Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Go Dirt Devils!

Nathan had a lot of fun coaching Tee ball this year. We were the Dirt Devils. This was Dayton's first year playing. Dayton's cousin, Clayton played last year... he's a pro!! It was neat that Dayton and Clayton got to play together this year. I was the team Mom, but all I really did was assign snacks to all the parents. Cohen had fun at the games too. Go Dirt Devils!!!

Just a few Pictures!

Here are a few pics of the family....

The Morris'

Welcome to the Morris' blog page! Bear with me, this is my first attempt at this. I am sure with time I will get the hang of it. Well, for those whom I haven't kept in touch with, let me catch you up on a few things.....
I (Bree by the way ;)) am married to my high school sweet heart, Nathan. We just celebrated our 9th anniversary in June! I can't believe it's been 9 years all ready. We have two beautiful boys. Our oldest, Dayton is 4. He is everything a little boy should be. From dinosaurs to ninja's. He always keeps me on my toes. He learned very fast what a push over his mom is. All he has to do is smile at me with his little nose full of freckles and my heart melts. Cohen is our 2 year old. He has hit the terrible two's. He is quite the little actor. He is already mimicking things he hears on his movies. Our favorite is his immitation of the little boy off "Home Alone".He has huge brown eyes and long lashes....compliments of his Auntie Amber. He loves his big brother and they love to play together. I am a stay at home mom and everyday is new, exciting, challenging, full and crazy beautiful. My husband works from home most of the time. I am very spoiled, in the sense that I always have my family around me. My blessings are many.